Golf News
Our most recent events were played at Old Hickory and Prince William. Frank Burns was the low-net winner at Prince William with 66, and Kevin Cole at Old Hickory with a 63. Kevin had the low gross scores at both places, 80 at Old Hickory and 83 at Prince William. We will be playing three times in June: South Riding on the 3rd, 1757 on the 17th and Bristow Manor on the 24th. All three will have 9:00A shotgun starts. Golf Association members will receive a reminder email a week prior with instructions. They will need to respond by the Thursday preceding the Monday event if they desire to play. Elks who are not Association members may play as guests. They should contact Ron Murphy at or by calling 703 866-4403 by that Thursday or of course play as a guest of any member. We also have three events scheduled for July: Pleasant Valley on the 8th, Heritage Hunt on the 22nd, and Penderbrook on the 29th. Copies of the 2019 Golf Schedule are available from Ron Murphy at the email address and phone number provided above. Membership Applications can be obtained from him also. Finally, we lost a good friend and fellow golfer in May when Mike Evers died. For many years he served on the Golf Committee. He is missed already.
Ron Murphy, Chairman