Press Release
October 21, 2015
In support of GER Ron Hicks 2015-2016 Grand Lodge Program "Focus on Community", three members of Arlington-Fairfax 2188 met today with Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chairman Sharon Bulova. Exalted Ruler Brenda Slingerland, Scholarship Chair Susan Mekenney and Art Wyman called on Ms. Bulova at her county office. Ron writes in his 2015-2016 Grand Lodge Program booklet: "Be "Loud and Proud" of the support and assistance you provide to your Community. Make your Lodge the shining "Beacon of Hope" and let your community now that you "Give from the Heart"."
Arlington-Fairfax is LOUD & PROUD and we were happy to have an opportunity to say so!
We were allotted a good deal of time to speak with Chairman Bulova about Elkdom, both on the national scale and within our lodge. Sharon was presented with a folder full of information, pamphlets and flyers - Elks history, lodge history, and lodge programs. Several handouts were prepared explaining the Dictionary Project, our Thanksgiving Baskets and Backpack lunches Program, our service to Veterans, Our Children's Fair and the Red Ribbon Campaign. Handouts included pictures of our lodge in action. Each page included "Elks Care, Elks Share" as the header. Art Wyman informed Ms. Bulova that Arlington-Fairfax proudly hosts informational booths at Celebrate Fairfax and Viva Vienna - 2 local community carnivals.
Susan Mekenney, lodge Scholarship Chair, gave Ms. Bulova a very informational briefing on the BPOE scholarship programs and how Arlington-Fairfax executes and makes awards through not only those programs but our additional lodge scholarships such as the Prenzel Scholarship - a scholarship unique to our lodge provided by the family of Past Exalted Ruler John Prenzel and his wife Evelyn.
A bag full of ribbons for the Drug Awareness Red Ribbon Campaign were presented, the significance explained, and the request made for Ms. Bulova to share the ribbons with her staff in support of our Elks campaign. She was more than happy to and put her ribbon on immediately! We also asked for her support in our community endeavors and programs and asked what we could do for the County. Ms. Bulova shared with us about an urgent need regarding homelessness and we pledged to see how we could support that community effort as well. I was wearing State President Geoff Cox's pin "Elks Do!' and explained the significance. Ms. Bulova replied "You sure do!" . Her official photographer took pictures along with the ones provided and they will also be posted on Chairman Bulova's official Facebook page and in her next memo to constituents.
Additionally - in the folder we left with Ms. Bulova were a lodge pin, 2 certificates for a free dinner at the lodge, and a membership application! We told her we hoped to see her again soon.
The three of us were a great tag-team of information and education for the County Executive and she sincerely thanked us for visiting with her. A very rewarding meeting!